National water emergency looms  – IDAAN


Given the water crisis due to the lack of rain, the Institute of National Aqueducts and Sewers (IDAAN) could declare a national emergency says Iván Cano from the institution’s operations center.

Cano pointed out that if the downward trend in the rivers and lakes where the water is collected to supply the different water treatment plants in the country continues, Idaan would need to take a series of measures to guarantee the supply at the national level. Among these measures, it is not ruled out rationalizing and modifying the water pressure.

Despite the fact that the first rains have already been recorded in recent weeks, the institution stressed that the rivers and lakes would take at least two months to recover. In this sense, Cano appeals to the will of users.

“The fact that the rainy season begins does not imply that all the tributaries will recover expeditiously, that will take time and to the extent that this happens, we [Idaan] will recover production in the water service.”

In these times of scarcity, Cano said that it is of the utmost importance that the population become aware of and limit the use of water recreationally and that they also adopt measures to save the liquid in domestic activities such as watering the plants, washing the car, washing dishes, bathing, brushing teeth, among others.