281,399 migrants cross Darien jungle so far this year

As of 7:50 am Sunday, August 13, 281,399 irregular migrants crossed the Darién jungle reports the National Migration Service.

In 225 days of 2023, Panama registers a daily average of 1,250 travelers who enter through the Darien Gap, coming from Colombia. However, the data for Saturday, August 12, listed the entry of 2,473 migrants.

In recent weeks the flow of irregular migrants through Panamanian territory has increased and statistics project that probably before the end of August it will exceed 300,000 travelers.

So far in August, the passage of 29,641 migrants has been reported; Of that number, 22,468 are Venezuelan citizens. As of Saturday, 161,062 Venezuelans have crossed the inhospitable Darien jungle this year.

This year, the month that registers the highest number of irregular migrants in the country is July with 55,387.

The National Migration Service records that there are about 7,000 migrants in Panama; 4,753 are in the reception centers located in Darién and the rest in the Los Planes de Gualaca shelter (Chiriquí).

The main objective of the majority of irregular migrants is to reach North America and as part of the daily controlled flow they continue on their way across the border with Costa Rica.

Panamanian authorities have reiterated that the Darién Gap is not a regular passage for travelers and asks that they give up this idea because it may be at the expense of human traffickers.