Nurses plan staggered strike from Wedneday


The National Association of Nurses of Panama (Anep) agreed to go on a staggered work stoppage after a meeting that lasted until 11 pm on Monday, October 30.

Earlier in the day  scores had participated in a protest march to reject mining activities in the country.

Elydia Espinosa, president of Anep, said that the measure will come into force on Thursday, November 2. She added that the strike will apply to outpatient consultation and the primary level of care, nationwide.

“We are organized,” said Espinosa, explaining that, through commissions, the times in which their members will support the strike will be established. It is a progressive staggered strike, lasting two or three hours, she added. On Thursday they will be meeting again to evaluate new measures.

Nurses have actively participated in the demonstrations and marches in rejection of the controversial approval and sanction of Law 406 of October 20, 2023.