Supreme Court judge suggests disbarment for lawyers who present repeated appeals

The presiding judge of Panama’s Supreme Court, María Eugenia López Arias, suggested the adoption of sanctions, such as withdrawing the license to practice law, to those lawyers who hinder the administration of justice with the repeated presentation of unfounded legal appeals

During his participation in a discussion about laws and democracy with the judge of the Superior Court of the United States, Sonia Sotomayor, López said that abusing the exercise of law with the repeated presentation of resources that hinder the correct administration of justice deserves to be severely punished.

A lawyer can defend a client without hindering the process and without needing to wear down the justice administration system, López considered.

“We judges have so many cases to handle, that if a lawyer presents the same appeal 20 times with different names, that is not ethical,” she said.

The judge claimed to be in favor of withdrawing the license to practice the profession from those lawyers who “abuse” the law anSSd this should be introduced through a reform to the law that regulates the practice of the profession in Panama.

She added that it is not about being “a lawyer to make money, but about being a lawyer because I can help or contribute to my country being better.”

She stressed that the Constitution specifies that justice must be quick and timely, but sometimes this is not met due to the constant presentation of legal appeals that delay the resolution of the processes.

The independent deputy Juan Diego Vásquez considers that presenting appeals with the sole purpose of delaying the solution of the cases is an ethical breach.

Vásquez expressed that López, as president of the Court, has legislative initiative and can request changes to the law.

“We must put a stop to this abuse of law to the detriment of justice.”

The independent deputy Gabriel Silva also considered it appropriate to sanction lawyers who hinder the normal development of justice.