Judge Luis Guerra – Substituting Mulino for Martinelli was Within the Law

The Judge of the Electoral Court, Luis Guerra, above being interviewed, stated Monday April 29 that the decision to allow the presidential candidacy of José Raúl Mulino need not be questioned, since it is within the law.  According to Judge Guerra, once the disqualification of Ricardo Martinelli (sentenced to more than five years) became effective, what the electoral norm says in article 362 is immediately applied, “which says that if a suitable candidate is disabled, then his substitute takes that position,” said Guerra in statements.  The plenary session of the Supreme Court of Justice is declared in permanent session until reaching a decision on the claim of unconstitutionality against the agreement of the plenary session of the Electoral Tribunal (TE) 11-1 of March 4, 2024 that disqualified Ricardo Martinelli as a presidential candidate of the political parties Realizing Goals (M) and Alianza and appointed José Raúl Mulino in his place.  The nine regular magistrates will participate in the session.  Judge Maribel Cornejo, like her colleague Ariadne García, suspended their vacations to be at the meeting.  Both had planned to return to work on May 2.  Recently the magistrate reporting the case, Olmedo Arrocha, sent a note to the judges of the Electoral Court in which he wanted to know more information as to who appointed Mulino as a presidential candidate, replacing Martinelli.