New  health security measures for flights in and out of Panama

With the arrival of the coronavirus in Panama, security measures on flights to and from the country have been expanded  as well as the check-up of passengers arriving at Tocumen International Airport and other air terminals in the national territory reports La Prensa

As an aviation hub in the region, an average of 45,432 passengers pass through Tocumen daily as almost 400 aircraft takeoff and land.

“We are not asking you to make a diagnosis, but to say which passengers had a cough and fever during the flight,” said Minister of Health Turner, at a meeting she held with the airlines, to discuss increasing controls.

The minister told the airlines the possibility of aircraft crew-carrying thermometers with infrared measurement to check the temperature of travelers in case of symptoms of fever and dry cough during the journey.

The president of the Association of Air Lines of Panama (ALAP), Fredy Rodríguez, said that it was agreed with the minister to work on the form that passengers and airlines must fill out so that it is the same as suggested by the International Association of Air Transportation (IATA).

“We are working with the Minsa to standardize the form and use the standard that IATA uses, and when it is ready it will be available,” Rodriguez said.

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