Panama’s IDAAN Modernization Work at the Chilibre Water Treatment Plant To Finish Sunday
1975 grates removed from the raw water intake of the Chilibre water treatment plant and replaced with new grates with the support of the Panama Canal diving team.

Panama City, Panama: The National Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (IDAAN) announced the modernization work that will be carried out during the suspension of operations at the Federico Guardia Conte water treatment plant in Chilibre. According to IDAAN, the work includes replacing gates and grates at the pumping station for the raw water intake in Lake Alajuela, which date back to 1975. The raw water intake grates are actually from 1957.

Valves will also be replaced, converting the hydraulic system installed 50 years ago to a new electrical system that will optimize production. Additionally, the overhead electrical circuit will be interconnected with the pumping station at the raw water intake, in coordination with the National Electric Service Company (ENSA). Likewise, maintenance will be performed on the 115-kilovolt system at the electrical substation, in coordination with the Electric Transmission Company (ETESA).