ILO Office for Central America, Haiti, Panama and the Dominican Republic

Panama has been a member of the ILO since June 28, 1919. It has ratified 81 conventions and one protocol, including eight of the 10 fundamental conventions, the 2014 Protocol to the Forced Labor Convention (No. 29), and three governance conventions.

The Republic of Panama has a total area of ​​approximately 75,517 km² and a population of 4,468,100 inhabitants (CEPALSTAT, 2023). The capital is Panama City; however, other major cities include Colón, San Miguelito, David, Santiago, and Chorrera.

The ILO’s technical assistance to its constituents—government, employers, and workers—is provided through a team of specialists and the implementation of technical cooperation projects that address priority challenges identified in various areas of the labor market, with the goal of fulfilling its mandate to promote decent work and advance social justice. 

The ILO supports the countries of this subregion through its Office for Central America, Haiti, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, established in 1969 in San José, Costa Rica. This office covers the following eight countries in Central America and the Caribbean: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic.  Support to constituents in the countries covered is provided by a team of specialists in various areas of the labor market and through the implementation of technical cooperation projects that address priority challenges identified by the countries in the region.