Panama Mining Chamber Advocates for Impartiality. They Want the Mine to Open

The Panamanian Mining Chamber (pictured above) issued a statement supporting the idea of ​​a possible reopening of the copper mine, after its operation was declared illegal by a ruling by the Supreme Court of Justice.  The communication was sent to the Minister of the Environment, Juan Carlos Navarro , in which they highlighted the significant impact that the closure of the Cobre Panamá mine has had on the country.  The union refers specifically to the Comprehensive Audit of the Mine, and requests that criteria of impartiality, neutrality and objectivity be applied. 

The Chamber stresses that the results of the audit must validate any decision on the possible reopening of the mine, always seeking the best benefits for the country.  The Panamanian Mining Chamber also warns that it is not appropriate to direct audit criteria toward the definitive closure of the mine.  The Chamber indicated that it has carried out an exhaustive analysis of the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the audit, which has been attached to the communication sent to Minister Navarro, pictured below.