Wingo will be able to Operate Flights from Panama to Córdoba, Mendoza and Rosario in Argentina

Wingo recorded 11% growth in 2024 and handled more than 3.2 million passengers.

The Argentine National Government authorized Aerorepública SA, a legal organization that operates two commercial brands: the low-cost airline Wingo and Copa Colombia, both part of the Copa Holdings group, to expand its operations and connect the cities of Córdoba, Mendoza and Rosario directly with international destinations without going through Buenos Aires.  Wingo, as a commercial brand, does not currently operate any flights to Argentina, but the authorization from the Argentine Ministry of Transportation opens the possibility for this airline to opt for new routes to Buenos Aires, as well as to Córdoba, Mendoza and Rosario and connect from the cities of Medellín, Cali, Cartagena, Barranquilla, San Andrés, Pereira, Bucaramanga and Panama.