Panamanians React to the Cancellation of the 2025 ‘Carnival in the City’

The ATP indicated that they will prepare for the year 2026 in order to be able to offer a good product by having more time to organize.

We will see what Panama City Mayor, Mayer Mizrachi, comes up with in future days. On the Cinta Costera, street vendors were complaining that, despite having prepared for the days of Carnival, they now find out that there will be no activities for this celebration in the capital city. “I thought I was going to sell a lot during the carnival, but since they are going to close it, I won’t sell anything,” said one of the vendors. The plans of informal vendors, among others, went down the drain when the administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority, Gloria De León, learned that there would be no carnivals in the capital city this year due to lack of budget.  De León said they will prepare for 2026 so they can offer a good product by having more time to organize.  Although the Tourism Administrator says that plans will be made for future carnivals by the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture without making any commitment, she suggests that perhaps something could still be done with private companies, but on a more modest basis. Others give their recommendations for future carnivals.  Mayor Mizrachi is analyzing the organization of Carnival, which was set to happen in less than 45 days, so he is working a few angles to perhaps preserve the event, even if he needs to downsize it.  It is a multi-million dollar money maker.

Juan Arias the director of this association said “I don’t dare to get ahead of the companies because they would be specific companies that the Chamber of Commerce would be responsible for carrying out; however, I am sure that just as certain companies joined the Christmas parade, why not consider doing something during Carnival?”  However, Arias points out that, with only 5 weeks left until Carnival, there is indeed a race against time, and that is why he suggests that if something is done, it should be a little smaller and more realistic. Evelio Mena, for his part, proposes that the State grant a fund to a single group, and those activities be carried out every year so that more money can be raised, and that no more money could be requested from the State. Newsroom Panama learned that at the end of August last year, the current Tourism administrator was presented with the intention of creating the Panama International Carnival Foundation to supposedly organize the carnivals with 100% private funds; everything indicates that the proposal did not prosper.