Cobre Panamá Responds to Risk of Erosion in the Northern Area of the Tailings Pond
On November 28, 2023, the Supreme Court of Justice declared unconstitutional the contract between the Government and Minera Panamá that allowed the operation of the mine.

The Technical Committee for Mine Closure of the Panamanian Committee of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Panama Vale Más Sin Minería Movement has issued an alert on critical risks of internal erosion on the north side of the tailings pit of the mine operated by First Quantum, located in the district of Donoso, province of Colón. For its part, First Quantum, through its subsidiary Cobre Panamá, highlighted that, since the halt of operations more than a year ago, it has presented a preservation plan designed to reinforce the safety of the mine and comply with environmental standards. This plan, delivered at the beginning of 2024, proposes measures to prevent acid rock drainage, and manage water in the embankments to ensure the stability of the Tailings Management Facility (TMF). Environment Minister Juan Carlos Navarro said that in 2025, based on the respective environmental audits, the issue of the mine will be addressed.