Former Officials of the Veracruz Communal Board, Wanted for Disappearance of Beams

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office is on the trail of three former officials of the Veracruz Communal Board allegedly involved in the disappearance of 600 beams belonging to the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and which were removed from a storage yard located in Farfán.  Sources linked to the investigation revealed that since last weekend a series of efforts have been made to locate these three people against whom arrest warrants have been issued, but which have not been able to be carried out.

According to the investigations, those required may have information that could lead to establishing responsibility for the theft of the beams and the period of time in which the operation took place.  Last week, a judge in West Panama charged a man with embezzlement who the prosecution believes was the person who transported, delivered and charged for the delivery of the beams.  The investigations carried out by the authorities suggest that the accused, maintained contact with the three people who are being sought by the Public Prosecutor’s Office. 

Some 600 beams that were to be used to repair the structure of the Bridge of the Americas have disappeared from a yard used as a warehouse by the MOP.  Since September 14, the prosecution has located beams in various areas of the country ranging from the provinces of Herrera, Darién, Panama Oeste, Veraguas and Panama.  However, there is no precise idea of ​​the date the material was removed from the MOP facilities, whether there was authorization from any administrative authority for its sale, and who was responsible for the operation. 

Following this, a complaint was filed against the former MOP minister, Rafael Sabonge, for the alleged commission of the crime of embezzlement, and the Public Prosecutor’s Office was asked to summon him to testify regarding the whereabouts of the beams.  So far, authorities have recovered some 140 beams, almost one quarter of the stolen beams, in investigations carried out in various parts of the country.