Bus from Los Pozos Heading Towards Chitré Lost Control and Rolled Over

Everardo Vergara, known as “Mori”, originally from the province of Herrera, became a hero Tuesday afternoon, when, thanks to his quick and effective intervention, he managed to save the life of a driver who suffered a serious traffic accident on the Chitré – Pesé road, near the community of La Flora.  In the accident, the driver of a vehicle from the Los Pozos area heading towards Chitré lost control and rolled over, leaving the driver seriously injured and some passengers also injured.  Vergara, who was riding his bicycle in the area at the time, did not hesitate to stop when he saw the magnitude of the accident and help the injured.  He managed to get those who were in the back of the bus out.  He also provided timely assistance to the driver, who was trapped and was seriously hurt.  “I saw that he had had an accident, I left my bike and pulled out a young woman, and there were other people coming, there were three of them, I pulled them all out. I couldn’t get the driver out because he was trapped, then I saw that he had lost his hand and was bleeding a lot,” said Vergara.  According to his account, when he saw the detached limb, he applied a tourniquet with parts of the backpack in which he carries his belongings every day, to go to work at a brick-making company.  “I saw that the driver was losing a lot of blood and his life was in danger, so I undid the bag and applied a tourniquet,” Vergara said.  Thanks to the timely action of this citizen, the driver was stabilized by the paramedics who arrived later and was urgently transferred to receive medical attention at the Gustavo Nelson Collado Hospital in Chitré.  The local community expressed multiple messages of gratitude and admiration for the hero on social media, who modestly insisted that he only did what anyone should do in a situation like that.