Curfew For Minors In Colón As Regulated In The Official Gazette 

The measure was taken after the President of the Republic José Raúl Mulino warned of the alarming situation of gangs and organized crime in critical areas such as Colón and San Miguelito.  The curfew is from Sunday to Thursday from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am and from Friday to Saturday from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am.  The curfew for minors in the province of Colón came into effect Friday August 30 2024, when the regulations establishing the measure were published in the Official State Gazette, which includes talks and economic sanctions for not complying with the provision.  Resolution 05-2024 of the Ministry of Government provides that the measure is for those minors who are unaccompanied by their parents (father or mother), legal representatives, guardians or responsible adults.

Minors who attend school during the evening shift are exempt from this provision, provided they carry an identification card issued by the respective educational center. In the event that the school does not use an identification card, the administration of the educational center must issue the respective certification that reflects the student’s personal information.  “Minors who are detected outside of established hours will be detained by the Police for Children and Adolescents and taken to a special facility where they will remain under custody until they are claimed by their relatives,” states one of the articles of the resolution.  Likewise, the father, mother, guardian, legal representative, custodian or responsible adult will be progressively sanctioned as follows:

A summons by the Police Service for Children and Adolescents to go to the National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Families (Senniaf) to determine the type of guidance and family strengthening program. A fine of $50 is also established and more intensive talks and programs will be applied by Senniaf.  Likewise, a fine of $50 will be imposed if a minor is detained during curfew hours in prohibited places, such as: bars, discos, mobile discos, canteens, awnings, barbecues, pool halls, casinos and other similar places. This does not affect the other sanctions established by law for the presence of a minor in prohibited places.  Celebrations for special family events such as fifteenth birthdays, baptisms, weddings, birthdays, graduations are not included in the classification of prohibited places.