Most Wanted: Panama National Police Capture Juan Manuel Aguilar Reyna – Drug Trafficking

Operation Jericho involved drug traffickers, backpackers, hired agents and a drug route. The drugs, which came from Colombia, followed a route through the Darien jungle and other Panamanian towns before being sent to Mexico. The National Police managed to capture Juan Manuel Aguilar Reyna identified as one of the most wanted for drug trafficking crimes. In the structure of the criminal group that dismantled Operation Jericho, the roles were drawn up according to the interests of the organization: those in charge of laundering the money, those in charge of the workshops to condition the cars with false bottoms and thus hide the drugs, those who planned the routes, those who transported the drugs until they reached a safe port, the backpackers, and so the chain advanced. The drugs, originating from populations in the Urabá Chocó region in Colombia, arrived by boat to the Caribbean coast of Panama, specifically to the paradisiacal Achutupu or Dog Island, in the Guna Yala region, a community in the Ailigandí district.