Panama Police Bring Prohibited Items Into a Penitentiary – Under Investigation

The National Police announced that it has opened an investigation in the Professional Responsibility Department after video surveillance cameras captured a police unit introducing prohibited items into a Penitentiary Center.  “As a transparent institution and guarantor of the law, we repudiate any act that goes against the provisions of the legal system and regulations,” the police institution said in a statement. They reported that the authorities of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Penitentiary System and the National Police are taking the pertinent actions in order to clarify this incident. They indicated that they will not tolerate irregular acts in the institution. A week ago, the President of the Republic, José Raúl Mulino, announced an internal purge process in all security forces. And the Minister of Security, Frank Ábrego, began an internal audit of the National Police, the National Aeronaval Service (Senan) and the National Border Service (Senafront).