Incoming Panama President José Raúl Mulino Has Generated Notable Optimism

The recent statements by President-elect José Raúl Mulino have generated notable optimism in the country, indicating a change of direction towards a more ethical and effective administration. Mulino has made it clear that he is not going to “buy or rent” deputies, and he has also said that the “what’s in it for me?” is over. This statement distances itself from the questionable political practices of the past, especially those during the government from 2004 to 2009. In addition, Mulino has promised not to allow the imposition of a shortlist to elect the next director of the CSS, of a directive whose terms are expired and have been characterized by poor and non-transparent management. This commitment promises to address the CSS crisis with new vision and leadership. Finally, Mulino has stated that there will be no parallel decentralization in his government and has emphasized the recovery of funds stolen during previous decentralization processes. These declarations, if fulfilled, can restore the trust of Panamanians in their rulers, significantly improve public administration and achieve the transformation and renewal that the country needs.