Panama to David Railway: What We Know

After the founding of the Republic of Panama in 1903, the Panamanian government promoted the idea of a Panama to David railway, however the original idea dates back to at least 1893.


What We Know

○  There is a proposal to build an 8-car passenger and freight train with a capacity for about 750 passengers.

○   There will be 21 stops on a 391.3 km stretch, which would cross by land, tunnels and bridges.

○  Travel time between Panama City and David approximately 2.5 hours.

○  Construction would last at least six years.

○  Further expansion into Costa Rica would be considered.  

○  Up to 9,000 direct and indirect jobs would be created.

○  The project could become a reality during the Jose Raul Mulino government.

○  It has been said that its ecological impact would be significantly lower than that produced by automobile traffic, however many hectares of forest will need to be removed for this to happen, thus displacing flora and fauna throughout the country.  



Challenges that the government is facing include reducing debt levels and promoting economic growth to generate greater tax revenues.  It is clear, then, that the terms agreed upon for the construction of the railway must be determined with great care.  In the past, Panamanians have suffered the negative consequences of unequal agreements for the construction of megaprojects and the exploitation of natural resources.

Let’s not repeat these mistakes.