Fernando Boyd – Minister of Health

Fernando Boyd, doctor of dental surgery and specialist in periodontics, will be the Fernando Boyd in the Government of José Raúl Mulino, which will begin on July 1.  Boyd graduated as a doctor of dental surgery from the University of Panama in 1979 and as a specialist in periodontology from the University of Pennsylvania, United States, in 1983.  Since 2007, he has been practicing as a periodontist at the Arango Orillac Clinic.  In addition, he was a professor of Oral Histology and Periodontics at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Panama between 1984 and 1998.  He is a member of the Panamanian Dental Association, of which he was president from 1987 to 1988, as well as president of the Board of Directors of the Social Security Fund from 1990 to 1996