Rainy Season in Panama

Is It Rainy Season Yet?

Situated just 8 degrees above the equator, Panama is known for its hot, humid and tropical climate.  Like many other Central American countries, there are two distinct seasons: wet and dry.  While the temperature may not fluctuate much between seasons, rainfall and humidity vary greatly, especially across different regions.

The long rainy season (winter) commences in May and lasts until around the end of December.  The rainiest month is October, with an average of 10.08 inches of rain in that month alone, while the rest of the country averages 10-28 inches of rain annually.  Wet season brings lush, green jungle and high humidity.  It also brings the bugs.

A good tip to keep these creatures out is to keep your screen doors shut and turn off any visible lighting from the outside during swarm activity.  Switching out your white bulbs for yellow bulbs may also help.

Returning like clockwork each year, mosquitos, beetles, wasps and flying swarms of termites are just a few examples of the insects that show up after a few good days of intense rain.  With a rise in humidity and the lack of wind to throw them off course, these plentiful insects take the opportunity to proliferate and hatch.

Now that rainy season is upon us, take care to identify any articles of clothing, electronics, photos, leather goods and objects of importance to keep climate controlled and dry, as they may be damaged by mold and mildew with the oncoming humidity.

The driest months in Panama occur between January and the end of April.  Panamanians have dubbed this season “verano” or “summer”, with hot, sunny days, blue skies and cool nighttime temperatures with the addition of the winds.  Because this season occurs during the cold winters in the Northern Hemisphere, summertime attracts thousands of visitors keen on spending their afternoons lazing at the beach. 

Photo Credit Kim Thomas, Boquete

During dry season, bajareque (pronounced baha-reck-eh) can be observed, entailing a light mist of raindrops, a crucial ingredient in the making of the famous rainbows often seen within Panama’s mountainous regions.


Happy winter!