May the Fourth Be With You and Princess Leia

The Princess Leia Galactic Legacy.  47 years have passed since the first installment of Star Wars hit the big screen, creating a universe that, today, continues to excite millions of fans around the world. Princess Leia is remembered for being one of the most memorable heroines in cinema. Carrie Fisher, the actress who died years ago, won over the world with her natural charisma.  47 years have passed since the first installment of Star Wars hit the big screen, creating a universe that, today, continues to excite millions of fans around the world. Today, May 4, “Star Wars Day ”is celebrated internationally, a date designated by fans, inspired by a play on words with the iconic phrase “May the Force be with you” (in Spanish: Que la force be with you), adapted as “May the fourth be with you ” (May of May and fourth of quarter; fourth of May).