Presidential Candidate Melitón Arrocha Throws in the Towel

The presidential candidate for free nomination and for the Social Independent Alternative Party (PAIS), Melitón Arrocha, announced Monday, in his campaign closing that he is ‘throwing in the towel’, quitting the campaign, and will toss his support towards Martín Torrijos, presidential candidate for the Popular Party (PP), so Melitón Arrocha is history in the Presidential campaign with the vote happening May 5.


José Alberto Toto Álvarez, president of the Social Independent Alternative Party (PAIS), a group that had nominated the independent candidate, Melitón Arrocha, said he was not aware of the decision that Melitón Arrocha made to support Martín Torrijos.  ”It was a decision that took us by surprise,” Álvarez said.  The president of the PAIS party described Arrocha’s decision as a “death blow” to the group, since this leaves them without a presidential candidate for the elections on May 5.  In addition, he pointed out that this affects the party’s electoral propaganda, since most of the 300 PAIS candidates were promoting Arrocha’s image in the campaign.