The Panama 8 Presidential Candidates – Elections May 5 Sunday

Here are the eight presidential candidates, six men and two women, six lawyers and two economists.  Sunday, May 5, are the presidential elections in Panama.  Left to Right: Gaby Carrizo, Martin Torrijos, Romulo Roux, José Raúl Mulino, Meliton Arrocha, Ricardo Lombana, Zulay Rodriguez, Maribel Gordon


The president of the Electoral Tribunal (TE), Alfredo Juncá expects millions of attacks on an old and weak TE computer system as it counts votes come election day May 5. 


Sunday April 28, approximately 2,000 people attended the campaign closing for the presidential candidate for the Realizing Goals (RM) and Alianza parties, José Raúl Mulino.  In the parking lots of the convention center of the El Panamá hotel, everything was offered: palettes, chorizos, meat on a stick, water, etc. Members of Mulino’s campaign team also distributed banners from both parties and t-shirts with the slogan: “El Loco con Mulino”, in reference to the great absentee from the event, Ricardo Martinelli. His speech was a summary of his campaign proposals and assured that he will obtain a landslide victory on May 5.


Beyond the discrepancies and divergent positions, there is a clear consensus by La Prensa: the Supreme Court of Justice must issue a definitive ruling on the constitutionality or not of the candidacy of José Raúl Mulino, before May 5.


One of the candidates is Ricardo Lombana from the Other Way Movement (MOCA), who will close out his campaign in the Plaza 5 de Mayo in the town of Santa Ana Tuesday, April 30.


The National Police, through the National Operation Directorate, announces the different detours that will be made during the days of campaign closures in the sectors of Vía España and Avenida 5 de Mayo, reported Lieutenant José Pineda.  Lieutenant Pineda points out that on April 30 there will be investments at the height of El Hotel El Panamá towards the Brasil road and on May 1 it will be on the 5 de Mayo via Calidonia road.


On May 1, the closing campaign of José Gabriel Carrizo, of the PRD and Molinera alliance, will take place. It had been announced that it would be on Via España, but the candidate indicated that he would do it at the headquarters of his party on Mexico Avenue, in the district of Calidonia.

Catholics will pray for May 5 elections