Canada Issues Travel Advisories

Before picking a holiday travel destination, it is a good idea to look at the latest travel advice of places not to go.
Paraguay: Risks – Increasing crime. Reasons: Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, occurs frequently across the country. Criminals have been known to observe, follow and then rob victims who have made withdrawals at ATMs. Crime rates are higher in the capital, Asunción. Virtual kidnappings are also known to happen in Paraguay. This is where an individual or criminal organization contacts you by phone and demands immediate payment for the return of a “kidnapped” family member or friend. No actual kidnapping takes place. Criminals use various means of gathering information about potential victims, including using social media sites or eavesdropping on conversations.
Sweden: Risks: Threat of terrorism. Reasons: Since the beginning of 2023, there has been an increase in incidents of public desecration of the Qur’an in Stockholm. On Aug. 17, 2023, the Swedish Security Service raised the national terrorist threat level from three (elevated) to four (high) on a five-step scale. Targets could include government buildings, including schools; places of worship; airports and other transportation hubs and networks; public areas such as tourist attractions, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, shopping centres, markets, hotels; and other sites frequented by foreigners.
Brazil: Risks: High crime rates and regular incidents of gang-related and other violence in urban areas. Reasons: Crime rates are highest in the largest cities — Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Brasilia — particularly in areas adjacent to impoverished neighbourhoods. Street crime, including pickpocketing, purse snatching and theft from cars, is common in Brazil’s large cities. Tourists are a favourite target. Foreign tourists are most commonly affected by theft but incidents of violent crime have also occurred, due to the high prevalence of guns coupled with the willingness of criminals and police to resort to violence. To avoid becoming a victim of crime, be aware of your surroundings at all times.
United Kingdom: Risks: Threat of terrorism. Reasons: There is a threat of terrorism in Europe. Terrorists have carried out attacks in several European cities. In the United Kingdom, previous incidents have resulted in casualties. They include random violent incidents in public areas, such as knife and vehicle attacks as well as explosions. The Government of the United Kingdom maintains a public alert system on terrorism and the current threat level is terrorism is substantial or level three on a five-level scale. Petty crime, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching, is common in the UK. Cellphone theft is rampant in certain tourist areas of London. Vehicle theft and theft from parked vehicles also occurs, particularly in tourist areas and roadside stops.
France: Risks: Elevated threat of terrorism. Reasons: On March 24, 2024, the Prime Minister of France raised the security threat level within the “Vigipirate” plan to “urgence attentat” (“attack emergency”). This is the highest level in the Vigipirate plan, a set of measures to prepare and protect the population and public places. The decision was made following a terrorist attack in Moscow claimed by the Islamic State. The Olympic Games are in Paris from July 26 to Aug. 11, followed by the Paralympic Games from Aug. 28 to Sept. 8. Public events start on May 8 and will continue until the opening ceremony. During the Olympic Games, especially in Paris, you should expect an increased presence of security forces, major disruptions to traffic and movement, and large crowds and public gatherings.