Panama Bank Loans Will be Easier to Access

The Banking Association of Panama hired the services of a consulting firm, which will help provide ideas to facilitate access to credit. Carlos Berguido, its president, acknowledged this week that they have not done enough to boost loan flows to small and medium-sized businesses. “We hired a consultancy, with a very well-known firm, to give the banks an idea on how to facilitate credit analysis so that the client who is a small and medium-sized company can access loans more easily and without so many requirements,” he told Newsroom Panama. The association has already received the results and is in the process of analysis. The intention of the banking sector is to take some of these conclusions to develop programs over the next few years to serve these entrepreneurs. Regarding the possible future loss of investment grade and its impact on credit, Berguido stressed that it will continue to be easy to access products, although perhaps the complications are accentuated in the most vulnerable sectors.