Boquete Gets Hit with a Freak Snowstorm

Boquete mayor, Joswar Alvarado got all excited when first seeing all of this snow on his beautiful flowers around the town of Boquete during the Orchid Festival.  He immediately contacted Talia at VE to discuss plans for a ski lift to be built from Valle Escondido to the top of Volcan Baru.  This was going to be great for tourism.  Skiing and snowboarding in the mountains of Boquete, Chiriqui, Republic of Panama.  This isn’t the first time that the gondolas have been discussed as back in the day, Sam and Talia’s boys talked about that very possibility on the Overseas Radio Network program called Boquete Chatter. With 30,000 visitors to Boquete, and not a snow tire in sight, it’s going to be a slippery time on the mountain streets of Boquete.
Hold on for a moment.  Let me check the calendar.  Oh, it’s April 1st……..Sorry………Never mind.