Senafront Shot and Killed a Foreigner in the Darien Jungle

A confrontation with Senafront agents left one person dead in the Darién jungle.  The National Border Service (Senafront) reported this Saturday March 23rd that a group of men clashed with agents from the Special Forces Brigade in the area of ​​the Tupiza River, in the province of Darién.  After the clashes with the Senafront, the death of one of the foreigners was reported.  The foreigner may have been indigenous.  Preliminary investigations indicate that these men belong to one of the criminal organizations that operate in the area.  After the exchange of shots, two firearms were confiscated (a pistol and a revolver) and a citizen, whose nationality was not revealed, was arrested.  “This case was placed at the disposal of the competent authority to continue with the corresponding procedures.  Operation “Moisés 17” is being carried out in Darién, specifically at the headwaters of the Tupiza River in the Darién jungle.