Martin Torrijos Defends José Raúl Mulino

There are attempts by those in power to try and disqualify front runner José Raúl Mulino from running for President in the Panama election that will be decided on May 5th. The former president of the Republic, Martín Torrijos, rejected this Thursday the attempts to disqualify the presidential candidate José Raúl Mulino. Torrijos stressed that he does not agree with the attempt to disqualify Mulino, which in his opinion is due to the fear of other candidates who have been left behind. “There are some who are not in the race, no matter how much media tries to help them or favor them or how much money they have, so they are walking away and losing the opportunity. They think that the way to have an opportunity is to disqualify people. I’m here,” Torrijos told Radio Panama. The Popular Party candidate pointed out that whoever wishes to participate should do so and that everything must be decided at the polls. “I want to win with the majority of Panamanian votes, I don’t want to win by forfeit, I don’t agree with this,” he said.