Migrants are Being Bussed Back to Panama

Mexico is sending migrants back to Panama on buses.  The Mexican government plans to pay up to $34.2 million in a tender to hire buses to repatriate irregular migrants they capture to send them to Panama and the rest of the Central American countries.  The newspaper El Sol de México, detailed that this plan was devised by the administration of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to reduce the number of migrants in Mexican territory.  There will be at least 40 passenger trucks that must be available “at any time” to cover the international route of safe return. So far this year, 85,000 migrants have already entered the Darién jungle.  It is interesting that I have met expats over the years who were willing to pay good money to hike through the Darien jungle and travel throughout South and Central America by bus.  If it wasn’t such a sad situation, one of these bus companies getting all of this current experience, could start offering bus tours and hiking to North American and European adventurers.