OPINION: The Metro Bus Calamity



As if the things that are happening were not enough, now the users of the Metro Bus mass transportation system face what is possibly the consequence of matters in which they are not to blame, but for which, inevitably, they pay the consequences. The administrative and financial problems – one consequence of the other – translate into a fleet that is working at a minimum, since there is no money for spare parts, although the Government is supposed to provide the system with funds to maintain these buses and that most of them provide the service. This results in the system losing effectiveness in meeting its schedules and the periodicity of the service, with which thousands of users are affected daily. This administration is responsible for once again making the mass transportation system a calamity for users. It is unforgivable that this government has rendered a fleet of buses that has cost us millions of dollars inoperative; that users do not receive the service and that there is no solution at this time. But what this government does spend on is the re-election campaign, instead of fulfilling its obligations to these users. – LA PRENSA, Feb. 15.