298 arrests and 3,400 fines on first day of Carnival


Security forces reported  on Sunday, November  11, some 298 arrests in the previous 24 hours as part of the development of “Operation Apollo.”

Of that number, 120 people were arrested for administrative offenses, 17 in flagrante delicto, 18 for micro-trafficking, and one for drug trafficking. The National Directorate of Traffic Operations of the National Police announced that it issued 3,400 traffic fines, among the most outstanding are 653 for speeding, 89 (proven drunkenness), and 32 (alcoholic breath).

The official report also details that 13 raids were carried out; 71 packages of drugs were seized; 6 firearms with 88 ammunition; $1,312 in cash, and four stolen cars were recovered.

During the days of Carnival, the Government announced that some 35,000 emergency units were participating in the operation.