CSS Green Alert for Carnival

The Social Security Fund (CSS) has activated the Institutional Green Alert for Carnival. Around 6,056 officials nationwide, including doctors, laboratory technicians, X-ray technicians, and nurses, will be participating.
Given the traditional concentration of people in different parts of the country, the CSS will carry out this operation from this Friday, February 9 at noon until Wednesday, February 14 at 7:00 am
“This Green Alert allows all executing units to implement their contingency plans so that they are prepared in the event of an emergency, disaster, or catastrophe and we can provide the best response,” said Dr. Einar. Cruz, head of the National Department of Emergency Management, Disasters and Patient Transportation.
Dr. Cruz recommended taking preventive measures since traffic accidents due to alcohol consumption and driver distraction due to cell phone use while driving are increasing. Also advised people to avoid health problems from excessive exposure to sunlight, which can cause dehydration.