Convicted Martinelli can’t run


So that there is no doubt, article 180 of our current Constitution reads as follows: “No one who has been convicted of an intentional crime with a custodial sentence of five years or more may be elected as President or Vice President of the Republic, through an enforceable sentence.” issued by a court of law.” The three requirements discussed in this article have been met one by one in the case of the presidential candidate of the RM party: he was already convicted of an intentional crime with a prison sentence of more than ten years; The sentence – no matter what they do – will not change, so it is de facto enforceable, and all judicial bodies have already ruled on the case. Consequently, this politician “cannot be elected.” The Constitution leaves no room for doubts about outdated, invented, or convenient interpretations. Neither the Electoral Court, nor the Commission of the State Pact for Justice, nor civil society, nor any authority should turn its back on a ruling as categorical and historic as this one. The opposite would be to increase uncertainty at a time when we all need to trust in the transparency of our democratic institutions, especially electoral ones. – LA PRENSA, Feb.5.