No trace of convicted ex-minister and wife

Both the director of the National Immigration Service, Samira Gozaine, and the director of the National Border Service, Jorge Gobea, agreed that there is no report of departure, of former minister Guillermo Ferrufino after the Second Criminal Chamber confirmed the sentence of six years in prison for the crime of illicit enrichment.
“ We do not have any report that has come from any formal position…the alert has already been placed,” Gozaine stressed.
Gobea indicated that it has not been detected that he has tried to leave or traveled through the areas.
The court is now in the process of locating the former head of the Ministry of Social Development (Mides), and for this a request was made to the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ), to locate Ferrufino, with the intention that he fulfill his sentence in a penitentiary center.
Ferrufino’s legal defense can request recognition of the time he was detained during the process before a compliance judge.
The conviction handed down by the court in February 2022 also sentenced Milena Vallarino de Ferrufino, Ferrufino’s wife.
According to the court, the married couple could not justify $2.2 million, money accumulated when Ferrufino held the position of minister during the five-year term of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014).