OPINION: Next government will face 20-years of CSS neglect


Whichever candidate wins the next elections will have to face challenges that have accumulated for twenty years. One of those challenges is finding a permanent solution to the financial problems of the Social Security Fund (CSS). In 2022, the deficit reached $650 million, that is, the government’s contributions to cover this expense have been insufficient, so solving this problem in the short, medium and long term is one of the great pending tasks of the new government, because the current one, cowardly, has been avoiding it, to the point that the deficit figures border on the uncontrollable. Therefore, this government, which had a duty to stop this hemorrhage of millions, has been scandalously negligent, allowing the problem to escalate and, at the same time, denying that this was a serious issue, when it clearly is. What will it do? Another dialogue table? Appoint a commission to continue prolonging the agony of the CSS? What is happening with the CSS is a State problem and should have been addressed that way, but what this Administration did was a media spectacle whose results are a complete failure.  — LA PRENSA. Jan. 24.