Thousands in Spain call for end to Gaza genocide


Thousands of people demonstrated Saturday in Madrid, as in dozens of Spanish cities, to call for the “end of the genocide against the Palestinian people”, which was attended by representatives of several left-wing parties.

The protest was called by the Solidarity Network against the Occupation of Palestine, “for the end of the genocide against the Palestinian people, the end of the arms trade and the breaking of relations with Israel” and many of its attendees wore as part of their clothing the traditional Palestinian scarf or Kufiya.

Since the start of Israel’s war in Gaza, 106 days ago, 24,762 have died in the Strip, most of them civilians, especially women and children, according to the latest data from the Gaza Ministry of Health, and more than 85% of the population has been forcibly displaced from their homes.

The conflict was triggered after the Hamas attacks in Israeli territory on October 7 against Israel, which caused some 1,200 deaths and more than 200 kidnapped, to which Israel responded with attacks on Gaza.

Support for IJC move
The general secretary of the Podemos party, Ione Belarra, once again demanded an “end to the genocide that the State of Israel is committing against the people of Palestine” and asked that Spain support South Africa’s complaint before the International Court of Justice and that immediately break diplomatic relations with Israel.

The deputy of Sumar, a partner of the socialists in the Spanish Government, Enrique Santiago, denounced the attacks by the United States and the United Kingdom against Yemen and considered that the only way to end the tension in the Red Sea is for Israel “immediately stop the genocide and occupation against the Palestinian people.”

Santiago expressed his desire for all the countries of the European Union to recognize the Palestinian State “in an immediate period” and, if not, he defended Spain making the decision.

Yesterday, the high representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, advocated imposing from the “international community” the creation of a Palestinian State despite Israel’s current refusal.