Lawmakers reluctant to support law to deter criminal networks


A police operation was carried out this week that involved planning, coordination, and an exhaustive investigation. As a result, dozens of raids and arrests were carried out and large sums of cash were seized, as well as assets and real estate belonging to the alleged members of a criminal network. Precisely, to address situations like this, the law of forfeiture of ownership of illicit assets is necessary since it constitutes an effective instrument to deprive said gangs of the economic power derived from their activities. However, deputies are reluctant to approve the implementation of this legal tool, which would prevent criminals from recovering the benefits of their illicit activities. The irresponsibility of the deputies, or their possible complicity, is unprecedented and deserves our maximum censure, since to a large extent they are the ones who, due to their reluctance, allow the existence of these gangs. They do not understand that at some point we could face a situation similar to that of Ecuador, where crime has taken control of a significant part of the country. Panamanian society must be more demanding with its deputies, since so much indifference… or complicity is unacceptable.  – LA PRENSA, Jan. 13.