Guaranteeing that environmental offenders face Justice


The ineffectiveness in the application of laws by environmental authorities hinders the effective implementation of measures to mitigate possible damage to the environment. This deficiency is evidenced by the inability to impose and collect fines and/or compensation that should serve as deterrents against non-compliance with regulations. A crucial question arises: who assumes responsibility for the $12 million that must have entered the Treasury as a result of the fines imposed on Minera Panamá? The lack of clarity about whether these funds were actually collected, whether the fine was annulled or whether it is still pending collection is inconceivable. Such inaction allows violators to avoid the consequences of their actions, perpetuating damage to our ecosystem while undermining trust in institutions. In the absence of an efficient judicial system and competent authorities, our laws are reduced to mere expressions of wish. The seriousness of this situation should not be underestimated. The government must strengthen inspection resources to guarantee that offenders are held accountable before justice. – LA PRENSA, Jan. 8.