OPINION: Issues screaming for attention


OPINION: Issues screaming for attention ignored

The report to the Nation by the President of the Republic alluded, once again, to his inventory of works, but left issues that scream at us that they need to be addressed, but that this Administration does not face if it has to pay a political cost.

For example, he said nothing about the crisis of the Social Security Fund, whose reserves for pensioners and retirees will run out this year; nor about the water crisis: there is a shortage of water for human consumption in the metropolitan area and for the transit of ships through the Canal. Nor about the arbitrations with the mining company after the cancellation of its contract or what it would do to replace that income. He spoke about the elections and promised an orderly transition, because “we live in a country where democracy rules,” something that should remind the president of his party – the PRD – that last week spoke of coups d’état. He also said that he has never called a media outlet to question its editorial line, but his government punishes anyone who criticizes it with the disproportionate and inequitable allocation of state advertising; He attacks the media and journalists with smear campaigns and fines for those who mess with his co-partisans. In short, a revealing speech, not because of what he said, but because of what he kept silent about. LA PRENSA, Jan.3.