Minera Panamá requests unblocking access to mine for entry of environmental supplies

Minera Panamá has expressed its “concern ” about the continued illegal blockade of road access to the mine and the international port of Punta Rincón.”
They assure that “this has prevented the delivery of equipment and supplies necessary to maintain the environmental stability of the site, whose productive operational work has ceased and is under environmental stability and asset integrity measures.”
Without these supplies, environmental management of the site will soon become increasingly difficult and could lead to potentially significant environmental effects.”
“For the company to maintain compliance and avoid environmental damage, the access road to the mine and the international port must be urgently cleared and respect for law and order must be restored. The company requests assistance from the authorities, in accordance with national standards and international treaties, to allow the company to comply with the previous request for which it requires receiving critical supplies , ” said the mining company.