Crowd control policeman hit by a stone is hospitalized


During the closure of the Inter-American highway in the Howard sector,  when the National Police moved to open the street,  a police officer in the Crowd Control Unit was attacked from behind and received a forceful blow with a stone on the head by a person participating in the blockade.

A  statement from the National Police said that the police member was injured and was transferred to the National Hospital, where he is receiving medical attention.

Commissioner Caballero indicated that the person who attacked the unit has not been captured, but they assured that complaints for personal injuries will be filed.

Caballero said that these types of people who carry out violent blockades are dangerous because they throw stones without looking at who might be hit.

the Ministry of Public Security condemned the action and indicated that the public force has tried to avoid confrontations to preserve the most precious asset, which is the physical integrity and life of citizens and residents.”