21 Medical Associations call on doctors to join Supreme Court vigil

Members of the Medical College of Panama and the National Medical Association regretted the events taking place in the country, stating that they share the collective discontent against open pit mining.
“We support all peaceful demonstrations as an unavoidable citizen right, in the same way, we request to allow free transit, supply of medicines and food, access to health services, freedom to reach their homes and workplaces,” said a statement.
The note, supported by 21 medical associations, states: “We repudiate any act of violence among our people as a result of this social and political crisis and we urge the Supreme Court to express itself in strict law on the admitted claims of unconstitutionality, and the Government, to look for all legal alternatives to close mining activity.”
The doctors requested that a joint investigation be carried out between the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of the Environment, SENACYT, INDICASAT, independent researchers and related experts on the damage that has been caused to the health of Panamanians and to review what exists in the Impact Study Environmental protection in force in 2011, inputs that can establish defense criteria against potential international arbitrations.
The group called on the health sector to redouble its efforts to help reduce the impact caused by the loss of appointments and procedures, as a result of the circumstances and coupled with the previously known deficit of supplies and resources.
Finally, they invited all doctors in the country to participate in the peaceful vigil in front of the Supreme Court of Justice, on Thursday, November 23 at 6:00 pm, dressed in white coats and to replicate the protest throughout the national territory.