Government cancels $25 million Christmas hams program


The Government has  decided to suspend the “Solidarity Christmas” program for 2023 reported the Agricultural Marketing Institute (IMA) on Sunday, November 19

According to the IMA, the decision was agreed with the agribusiness due to the decrease in product supply.

“It is a public and well-known fact that street closures have made mobility impossible in recent weeks throughout the country, complicating access to raw materials to manufacture meat products, making their distribution nationwide impossible,” a statement highlighted

The Ministry of Agricultural Development (Mida) had allocated a total of $25 million for the Solidarity Christmas 2023 program which  “ seeks to provide the Panamanian population, especially those with limited resources and in vulnerable areas, with pieces of pork, chicken and other products characteristic of the Christmas season, in addition to supporting producers throughout the country with the purchasing their products and marketing them.”