Canal pilots worried about low levels of lakes


The Union of Pilots of the Panama Canal has voiced its concern about the low levels of lakes Gatún and Alajuela due to lack of rain.

While the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has already delivered a structural plan to the Executive Body, the problem has not yet been addressed.

According to the Union, there is a lack of interest on the part of the authorities in making decisions and specific actions to help avoid a greater crisis for the Panama Canal.

Laziness and lack of will, put operational continuity and profitability at risk. And although the ACP established water-saving plans, they are only until February. It is added that the later a route to follow is established, the consequences could be dire and irreversible.

 In addition to the El Niño phenomenon, the rains have not provided enough precipitation. At the top, the dry season is expected to enter at the end of November and the first days of December.

Among the measures to guarantee the operation of the interoceanic waterway, the Panama Canal plans to allow only 18 ships to pass through in February per day. Which impacts competitiveness and economic contribution to the country.