Hitmen gun down council president

The president of the Municipal Council of San Miguelito, César Caballero, died in a hail of bullets at Plaza Valencia (northern Panama) at 9:50 a.m. on Tuesday, November 7. Caballero was serving as a representative of the town of Belisario Porras.

 The killers were traveling in a gray Hyundai Accent car.

According to police reports, the township representative got out of a white van to go to the plaza. The hitmen were waiting and shot him at least 10 times.

His body was transferred to the Generoso Guardia polyclinic, located in the Omar Torrijos district, San Miguelito.

Caballero was recently in the news because the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) nominated him to run for re-election in the 2024 elections although he had been sentenced to five years in prison for embezzlement to the detriment of the University of Panama (UP). The information is contained in Edict 9 of January 5, 2022, issued by the Superior Court for Settlement of Criminal Cases of the First Judicial District, after his defense processed an appeal.

The communal board of Belisario Porras, where 44,129 people live, according to data from the 2023 census, received $6.6 million from parallel decentralization between July 2021 and May 2023. While in that sector $55.3 million has been distributed in the Digital Voucher.

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