Assembly repeal of mining contract  a great step toward safer solution


The decision to eliminate the proposal to repeal the mining contract is a great step towards a much safer solution to the great problem in which the Executive and the Legislative put us. It is also a great step that all legislative groups have agreed to accept the initiative of the independents to eliminate the article, because, if they did not do so, the consequences would be worse and the country would have been in serious trouble. That, without taking into account the repeal of the contract was not contemplated in the two projects that the President of the Republic asked to be discussed in extraordinary sessions: one that proposes a popular consultation and another that dictates a moratorium on metal mining concessions. This time, the deputies showed good sense, allowing the Supreme Court to analyze the unconstitutionality claims against the contract. It is the path that was used before and it is the one that could resolve today’s conflict. We only hope that, given the pressing circumstances that the country is experiencing, it does not take the Court 10 years to issue a ruling. That’s not fair to anyone, not even the mining company. And with everything that is happening, we hope that things in the Assembly change for the better. Not only can it, but it is necessary for the social peace of the country. –  LA PRENSA, Nov. 3.