Call for tough punishment for wayward cop

The Police should give exemplary punishment to the agent who fired a pepper spray cartridge at close range at a photographer and activist who was documenting the protests against the mining contract.

The agent, with obvious viciousness, shot the photographer in the eye, a wound that took him to the operating room of a hospital. Those officers are supposed to be for crowd control, not to become the executioners of people who are not criminals or anything like that; On the contrary, they are concerned about the future of the country, which includes, precisely, the children, brothers, parents and grandparents of those units that beat or hurt citizens with impunity in the enjoyment of their rights.

We believed that those attacks had been left behind, in that infamous government of the 2009-2014 period, when the Police almost destroyed the sight of an entire town, since they found no better place than the eyes of others to unload pellets. Have we returned to that time? 

The Minister of Public Security, unless he imposes sanctions and accuses the agent before the authorities, will be complicit in this violation of human rights and cowardly attack on an unarmed, communicative citizen who was not committing any crime.— LA PRENSA, Oct.21.