OPINION: The National Assembly Circus


The circus in the National Assembly never ceases to surprise. The PRD steamroller says and does what she wants, while the rest of the deputies have to fight every minute to express their points of view on the contract with the mining company. Bravado, meaningless speeches that justify a decision already made, even before reaching the legislative plenary session. There is a rush, and a lot, because they want to get out of this thorny issue before the national holiday and Christmas break. And while the ruling party puts its foot on the accelerator, organized groups are preparing for new days of protests, because, regardless of reasons, arguments, evidence or opinions, what these deputies seek is to please partisan interests, which are not necessarily those of their voters. They govern, as is customary, behind the popular will; They do not listen, except to the voices of their masters, who do not suggest, but rather order, to give the law contract a yes or yes. And there they go, facing a wall, blind with power, drunk with arrogance. Once again they will subject this country to new social stress, as if everyday stress were not enough. Then, the traitors will go to toast Macallan and enjoy life, the one that their status as officials gives them, while they leave us a country in convulsions. How pathetic they are! – LA PRENSA, Oct. 20.