Costa Rica and Panama presidents survey migrant hell from the air


After a helicopter tour of the Darién Gap evaluating the situation of the irregular migratory flow through the region, the presidents of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, and Costa Rica, Rodrigo Chaves issued an urgent call to the nations of origin, transit and destination.

The invitation to collaborate is for cooperating countries and international organizations, to confront the crisis in a programmatic manner addressing the causes of migration.

“Crossing the Darién is hell,” said Cortizo, who highlighted that both countries, which are transit countries, have managed the irregular migratory flow correctly.

For his part, Chaves invited the government of Colombia, a previous step before entering the jungle, to help pre-classify those who have the option of being welcomed in the United States.

“We would love  Colombia, which is the entry bridge, to join this effort. Help us. Once we know who is going to have some degree of success in entering the United States, according to the immigration regulations of that country, it will help us preselect the people who come or not,” said Chaves.

The Costa Rican president said that joint political decisions have to be made from Canada to Ecuador . “If we don’t do it this way, we will continue to see disorder and chaos.”

The latest report from the Panamanian authorities highlights that in 2023 at least 415,000 irregular migrants have crossed through the Darién jungle, most of them Venezuelans.

Buses mobilization
The agreement reached by both presidents is the mobilization of 200 buses that will be accredited by both countries and will pass directly, without stopping in Paso Canoas,  from Monday, October 9 in order to improve the migratory flow on the border of both countries.

After a call made by the two Central American countries for a regional meeting to address the crisis, Mexico’s suggestion to hold it on October 22 was supported.

“It is such a big problem that the participation of all links in the chain is required. We seek to achieve the most orderly migratory flow possible in this meeting,” said Cortizo.